Utah Recap – Part one

I grew up in a small town in southern Utah. So when I moved to Portland I knew I wouldn’t get to see my family very often. I am so grateful for every opportunity I get to see them, after all, they are my family.

I was too lazy and too busy eating was so busy having a good time with my mom that I didn’t take too many photos, but here are few to from the beginning of the week.

As aforementioned, my parents live in the desert, so when I woke up first thing the temp was already around 80 degrees (that would be right around the high in Portland…nice, right?). So luckily my parents have a treadmill in their house that I was fortunate enough to use.

Believe it or not, but running is always better when Katching up with the Kardashians 😉

After a quick 3 miles I iced my shins and got ready so my mom and I could get out and shop before it got too hot.

We stopped at Kohls, Target, and an adorable local-ish home decorating store called Tai Pan Trading. It’s about the size of Costco, but full of country style decorating items for cheap. It’s adorable.

They even had some Halloween items up.

I absolutely love that witch.

After taking our sweet time in there, our stomachs started to rumble so we headed to lunch. We decided to go to The Pizza Factory because of their salad bar and their bread sticks.

Yea, there’s no pictures of the food because I ate it all before I could even think about taking a photo. Sorry! 😉

After that we headed to Costco for a few essentials then headed home since it was a blazing 104 degrees out and I was saying “uncle”.

After that it was nap time in this chair

On that note, I’m off to bed. Recap part deux coming soon!

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